
Friday, November 2nd

Saturday, November 3rd

Sunday, November 4th


Friday, November 2nd


Norman Pace

The Emerging View of Life's Diversity and Evolution: Into the Natural Microbial World

Knight Auditorium,
UIUC Spurlock Museum

Saturday, November 3rd

9:00 am Ralph Wolfe
Discovery of the Archaea--- a Personal Overview
9:45 am George Fox
Archaea Ribosomes and the Early History of the Translation Machinery
10:45 am Jan Sapp
Archaea: the making of new paradigm
11:30 am Carl Woese
Archaea: Man's Place in Nature
1:15 pm Karl Stetter
The Hyperthermophiles
2:00 pm Rolf Thauer
Methanogenic and methanotrophic archaea: two sides of the same medal?
2:45 pm Rolf Bernander
The cell cycle of archaea
3:45 pm Roger Garrett
A Journey Through the Molecular Biology of the Archaea
4:30 pm Jorge Escalante-Semerena
How archaea and bacteria assemble coenzyme B12
6:30 pm BANQUET - Alice Campbell Alumni Center

Historical Reflections on the Discovery of the Archaea by Professor Karl Stetter

Remarks by Professor Carl Woese

Sunday, November 4th

9:00 am Norman Pace
Archaeal Phylogeny and Environmental Sequences
9:45 am Ed DeLong
Molecular phylogeny, genomics, and ecology - new world views.
10:45 am William Whitman
The number of prokaryotes on earth (and why we care)
11:30 am Mitchell Sogin
Microbial Population Structure of the World's Oceans: an underexplored "rare biosphere"
1:15 pm William Balch
On Folding Energetics and Evolution
2:00 pm Günter Wächtershäuser
Chemical predetermination from the origin of life to the origin of Archaea and Bacteria
2:45 pm David Prangishvili
Viruses of the Archaea
3:30 pm Patrick Forterre
Building upon the three domains concept: pending questions on the origin and early evolution of modern life

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